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[ DIARY ] UGHHH SCHOOL IS BORIIIING (but sadly necessary...)

 HEEEYYY HERE IS ANOTHER BLOOOG HEHEHEHEEE hope you all are doing great!!! Right now that I'm starting to write this i just painted my n...

Thursday, January 16, 2025

[ DIARY ] UGHHH SCHOOL IS BORIIIING (but sadly necessary...)

 HEEEYYY HERE IS ANOTHER BLOOOG HEHEHEHEEE hope you all are doing great!!!

Right now that I'm starting to write this i just painted my nails hehehehehehe (´ ∀ ` *) hehe, I'm trying to get them to grow a bit since they are extremely short to the point that my fingers are starting to bend and cover where there is nail lacking if that makes any sense |・ω・), just trust me, i need to grow my nails asap specially cuz i'm saving money to get a kalimba since i'm fr tired of using only the keylimba app, no hate to the keylimba app to i love it its ADORABLE i just really like having the actual instrument yk

It's been SOOO cold lately and my climate app says that its like 24°C and like ITS NOOOT?? it feels like its like 16°C or lower... ლ(¯ロ¯"ლ)

Right now I'm doing an assigment and i feel in so much pain right now in like 90% of my body but I NEED Σ(°ロ°) to finish this assingment today cause its already late to do it and i'm using the time of not going to class today for that (╥﹏╥)

its an assingment about pre-hispanic epic literature and more specifically about the Popol-Vuh epic and I find it a very fascinating subject, though its quite hard to present a short text explaining it which is making this assigment in particular sooo difficult right now and its only the first assingment of the class... 

Sadly my life its like super busy so this one's going to be a bit short BUT I'm still going to post!! hehehehe i love doing this I'm not stopping anytime soon!! (´ ω `♡)

I've been thinking of maybe starting a neocities website where I put ALL of my art on and like stuff about me and link my blog there too and add like little fun stuff in there just that my programing skills are not 100% good, tho I was able to adit my spacehey account a LOT but still I struggle on the "easiest" stuff for someone more advanced in the website programing thingy, but I feel like soon I'll be able (probably during vacations) start making my neocities website!! 

For almost the entirety of my life I've been dreaming about becoming a cute, fun and cozy internet famous artist and content creator and like making websites and having a very active blog with a small chat-o-mater window where people could chat about my stuff and other related subjects, idk, I always dreamed about it and I've been trying so hard but feels almost imposible (╯︵╰,)

When I was six i had this deviant art account (sadly deleted now) where I posted my firsts digital artworks (which where mostly my little pony fanart and fnafhs fanart) and had a surprinsingly existing following and an active community, though small, of ppl who actually enjoyed my content, sometimes i think where are those ppl now and if will they still like my art nowadays? idk...

Recently I thought to myself that I really wanted to become a vtuber or pngtuber, just without mic usage cause I lack it and I thought that it could be cool to use some text to speech engine like voicevox or something along those lines to ocassionaly talk in streams! Tho I'm a bit scared about the negative side of being a public figure (″ロ゛) but I just feel like its the place where I belong, yk??!?!?! ヽ(°°)ノ

I also wish to become famous making content that I love not just the basic like boring internet content, I want to make more tomodachi life/collection videos (I upload them on tiktok but they're not super popular), fan content of my favorite media (like gorillaz fanarts and stuff), and more blog's and small chatting streams and fashion content and maybe rants on very specific topics of my interest?? would any of you be interested in that??? idk but i hope you are cause its what i'm going to start doing soon!!! 

Lately I've realized that my condition (Ehlers Danlos Syndrome) has slowly worsened now that i'm in my teenage years, specially these last few months, I've been feeling a lil worried that i might have a lot more difficulties sooner than expected...

After reading a bit about the difficulties i might develop I can't stop thinking about how limitating it all feels, I can't believe that so many ppl like me struggle with such problems and that soon I will too

So I've started to take care of myself a little bit more that I did back in the past to make thing a little bit better for future me hehehehe, hope what im doing works!!

Anywayyy I'm going to finish my assingments, till the next blog!!! hope u enjoyed today's read! :3
Love u loooootttssss byeeeeee

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