HEEEYY HAAAIII, I'm finally writing this thing hehehehe, I'm going to complain a lot on this one, what a great start!
Sooo I woke up today SUPER late (_ _*) Z z z, probably the last day that I'm going to do that since tomorrow I'll start going to school again which is annoying to say the least... Tbh I don't want to go back to school, but at the same time I want to see my friends again- Well, except one of them OH BUDDY DON'T GET ME STARTEEEEEDDDD...
UGH THIS MAN, he became one of my first actual real friends at my school in 2024 (no hate to my classmates tho just not too close to them hehe) after my partner changed schools and her best friend decided that he wanted to be a transphobic narcissistic unempathetic piece of shit!!!!!!!!!!! 凸( ` ロ ´ )凸 and hate me for literally no reason like I NEVER did anything to that man bro what... AS I WAS SAYING, this dude who we are gonna cal uhhh... Mr D- YEAH Mr D, I started to be friends with him after a nice chat we had during recess time where we noticed we had very similar experiences in other schools (we got bullied lol) and since then we started to be friends yk? We both liked a few artists in common and we had fun durin recess time (he's from another class). That was on 3rd year keep that in mind, NOW on 4th year he became INSUFFERABLE UGHHHHH like I don't want to be mean or anything to my friend but, lets be honest, he changed but for the worst.. Like he literally called me a bad friend for wanting 5 minutes without him, those 5 minutes were for me to apologize to a friend who I was mean to accidentally like hELLOOO??? _:(´ཀ`」 ∠):_
And not too long ago me and other 2 friends of mine decided to go on a picnic, we didn't invite him and we told him from the star because his mom wouldn't allow it since she's homophobic and it was going to be a queer reunion kind of thing (except he swears with his life that he isn't gay but acts and looks like a fucking stereotypical annoying ass twink) and he voice messaged one of my friends about it CRYYYYIIIING like a mf saying that WE are bad friends for EXCLUDING him on the group and that "we always do that" like mf IS THE FIRST TIME WE GO OUT LMAOOOO WE MET LAST YEAR... and we also told him in the first place so is not like he didn't know... Man how he dares to call us bad friends when all he does when we "hang out" on recess is literally DRAG me out of the group and start venting to me about his stupid ass fucking problems and doesn't even let me talk about anything like HE has to be AAAALWAYS talking and gets mad when I don't agree with him and he DARED to say that my partner was "obviously cheating" out of nowhere like WTF????? HE DOESN'T EVEN KNOW HER???? LMAOOO
SO yeah I kinda don't wanna go back to school cause I don't want to see his annoying ass... ヽ( ̄д ̄;)ノ=3=3=3 but I also kinda wanna see my (actual) friends... But I don't wanna do homework... its all a huge dilema in my head... SO I'M WRITING ALL OF IT ON THIS BLOG TO GET MY FEELINGS OUT HEHEHEHE \( ̄▽ ̄)/
In other thoughts... Today I ate my favorite food, chicken!! Its pretty much my safe food actually, I'm extremely picky with food...
I spoke to one of my friends after waking up, he talked to me about his favorite show: Ebbot Elementary, which recently released an episode that features a crossover story with another show from the same streaming platform called It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia. He showed me a few clips but the kind of humor it managed it didn't really call my atention, so I asked what kind of show it was and when he said it was a Sitcom... i knew why those funny clips of the show weren't funny to me, i HATE sitcoms SOOOOO MUCH MAN like it actually RUINS the story for me, I was really interested in the story he told me the show was about but when i saw it was a sitcom i just lost ALL interest in it and i feel bad about it cuz its hid favorite show and i don't wanna say anything bad about it, specially cause i have not watched it (and probably won't ever)...
For dinner I had today a new kind of white bread I've never had before, it was like a damn brick i had to eat it toasted to be able to bite it and when it went cold it went brick again... tasted really good tho (─‿‿─)
right now while i write this i'm eating a piece of cake from my father's b-day, i love the cakes my mom makes, they are always good and I'm listening to Tubbo's streamvod talking about the fuckass tweet that dr**m posted calling Tommyinnit fans a slur (which is wild actually lmao), love hearing the drama tbh not in the fandom anymore but this is so bizarre its funny...
I just saw the Dream slur post to Tommyinnit fans, crazy! Love you too <33
ReplyDeleteI was super shocked when I saw it!! Lots of looove to u :3