Blog Archive

[ DIARY ] UGHHH SCHOOL IS BORIIIING (but sadly necessary...)

 HEEEYYY HERE IS ANOTHER BLOOOG HEHEHEHEEE hope you all are doing great!!! Right now that I'm starting to write this i just painted my n...

Thursday, January 16, 2025

[ DIARY ] UGHHH SCHOOL IS BORIIIING (but sadly necessary...)

 HEEEYYY HERE IS ANOTHER BLOOOG HEHEHEHEEE hope you all are doing great!!!

Right now that I'm starting to write this i just painted my nails hehehehehehe (´ ∀ ` *) hehe, I'm trying to get them to grow a bit since they are extremely short to the point that my fingers are starting to bend and cover where there is nail lacking if that makes any sense |・ω・), just trust me, i need to grow my nails asap specially cuz i'm saving money to get a kalimba since i'm fr tired of using only the keylimba app, no hate to the keylimba app to i love it its ADORABLE i just really like having the actual instrument yk

It's been SOOO cold lately and my climate app says that its like 24°C and like ITS NOOOT?? it feels like its like 16°C or lower... ლ(¯ロ¯"ლ)

Sunday, January 12, 2025

[ DAIRY ] first entry... Full of memories (and hate)

HEEEYY HAAAIII, I'm finally writing this thing hehehehe, I'm going to complain a lot on this one, what a great start!

Sooo I woke up today SUPER late (_ _*) Z z z, probably the last day that I'm going to do that since tomorrow I'll start going to school again which is annoying to say the least... Tbh I don't want to go back to school, but at the same time I want to see my friends again- Well, except one of them OH BUDDY DON'T GET ME STARTEEEEEDDDD..

[ FIRST BLOG!! ] Info about meeeeeee!!!

Um... Hello! ( ̄▽ ̄)ノ this is like the first ever time I'm writting something of this style, so this is my first ever blog, yeah!! I'l talk about myself on this one but since I'm a HUGE oversharer I'm probably going to talk for a loooooong ass time so if you are interested in a mentally ill gay girl oversharing online and complaining about problems that literally no one actually cares about (or if you are one) please stay and keep reading!!!