HEEEYYY HERE IS ANOTHER BLOOOG HEHEHEHEEE hope you all are doing great!!!
Right now that I'm starting to write this i just painted my nails hehehehehehe (´ ∀ ` *) hehe, I'm trying to get them to grow a bit since they are extremely short to the point that my fingers are starting to bend and cover where there is nail lacking if that makes any sense |・ω・), just trust me, i need to grow my nails asap specially cuz i'm saving money to get a kalimba since i'm fr tired of using only the keylimba app, no hate to the keylimba app to i love it its ADORABLE i just really like having the actual instrument yk
It's been SOOO cold lately and my climate app says that its like 24°C and like ITS NOOOT?? it feels like its like 16°C or lower... ლ(¯ロ¯"ლ)